
The Dog Ate WHAT??

The dog ate WHAT?? I arrived at work one morning and was told by our receptionist that there was a client on the way with his 5 month old Shepherd. She said they thought had eaten nails that had been laying around in the garage. When they arrived, I told them the best way to visualize…

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End of Life Care: Making Every Day Count

End of Life Care: Making Every Day Count Being a veterinarian is often a rewarding job; we get to watch our patients grow and mature, perform preventative care to keep them healthy, and help heal them when they’re sick. However, being a vet also means that I sometimes have the unfortunate task of having to…

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Heartworm – it’s not just a summer threat!

Why is it so important to keep your pets on heartworm preventative year round? Check out this video to learn just what heartworm is and the importance of year round prevention!

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Zoonotic Disease: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

A Zoonotic disease, is one that, by definition, “is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions and can also be an infection or disease that is transmissible between animals and humans”. This is particularly important as the strength of the human-animal bond continues to grow and develop between ourselves and our companion animals. Studies…

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What’s the deal with worms?

What’s the deal with worms? Picking up your animals’ feces is often not a pleasant task, but did you know that there could be friends hiding out within? Roundworms  This parasite is very common in puppies and kittens, they are infected while in the uterus as well as when they ingest milk. Adult worms look…

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What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an
    appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an
    initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for
    your pet.

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