The Importance of Spaying & Neutering
Why Spay? Why Neuter? It’s a topic that comes up with all puppy and kitten visits. Pets do not leave a shelter until they have been altered. Game show hosts have told us it was the right thing to do. But, what is it and why? The most common spay procedure includes removal of…
Fleas and Ticks in the Winter: Frozen or Flourishing?
Fleas and Ticks in the Winter: Frozen or Flourishing? After the first frost of the season, it may be tempting to skip Fluffy’s dose of flea and tick prevention, but contrary to popular belief, fleas and ticks can still be a threat in the winter. Although near-freezing temperatures will kill adult fleas living outdoors, not…
What your pet can (& can’t) eat this Thanksgiving
What your pet can (& can’t) eat this Thanksgiving With Thanksgiving this week, many of us are feeling extra grateful and are looking forward to sharing memories and food with family & friends – for most of us, this includes our furry family members as well! It may be hard to turn your pet down,…
What to Expect When You’re Expecting…a Fur Baby!
What to Expect When You’re Expecting…a Fur Baby! The excitement of bringing home a new puppy is unrivaled to most, but there can be a lot of uncertainty and questions for new pet parents or if it has been awhile since a new four legged fur baby has been in your home! Puppies…
Companion discusses pet allergies & factors on CBS Chicago
Our very own Dr. Amanda Schnitker at Companion Animal Hospital River North was featured on CBS Chicago! Watch the video to learn more about pet allergies and what do do if your pet has a serious allergic reaction, also known as anaphylaxis. Severity of allergies in pets can vary, just like in humans, and can…
Know the Signs: Heatstroke in Dogs
The summer heat is officially here! While that means lots of fun activities outdoors, be sure to be extra careful when including your canine companions. Dogs can quickly suffer from “heat stroke” or extremely high body temperatures. A dog’s normal temperature is between 99-103 degrees; heat stroke occurs when body temperatures are at or above…
Did you know one third of all dogs suffer from noise phobia?
Thunderstorms and Fireworks are here! Noise phobia Noise phobia is a common disorder in our pets, and is thought to affect one third of all dogs. Common signs of noise phobias can include; pacing, lip licking, panting, cowering, hiding, refusing to eat, trembling and shaking to name a few. Does your pet exhibit these signs?…
Be Prepared – Microchip Your Pet!
Be Prepared – Microchip Your Pet! It is a heartbreaking event for any pet parent to have to endure. Even with our best intentions, pets seem to find a way to slip out and away. Their natural curiosity can get them into trouble. Have you taken the proper steps to assure your pet is identified?…
What to do if your pet has a tick:
Ticks are a relatively common parasite in our area. At times, they are a VERY common cause of concern (or even panic!) amongst pet owners. If you have found a tick on your pet, here are some “Do’s and Don’ts” of removing the tick. Do: Part the fur so you can see where the tick…
Help your pup conquer seasonal allergies with Cytopoint!
Help your pup conquer seasonal allergies with Cytopoint! With warm weather right around the corner, allergies are starting to act up. Just like humans, many dogs are affected by seasonal allergies. Allergies in dogs show up as skin problems, typically signaled by licking, biting, scratching, etc. The discomfort from the allergy itself can be doubled…
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